I started blogging in August, 2010. I loved it overnight. The first comment I received from someone I didn’t know at all made my day. I’m a social being and love to connect with people, so finding all these wonderful folks that shared similar interests to me and wanted to read about my farm and life, wow, what a wonderful thing.
I met some of the most amazing people and connected immediately with some I felt I had known my entire life. The supportive network of blog friends was something that uplifted me and made me feel special. I was genuinely happy to have this new world in my life.
Sharing my farm and animals with others was also invigorating. I loved taking photos and telling y’all about my crazy critters and our ups and downs. My great readers were genuinely interested in our brood, asking about Pansy, Porter, the donkeys and farm council. Our chickens got involved with the blog and started sharing “Verde Farm Chicken Picks,” their favorite posts highlighted in their very own postings.
Farm Friend Friday came next and it was amazing, the number of folks that joined up weekly blew my expectations out of the water. Again, we met more folks and were sharing wonderful stories for all the farm lovers out there. But, that’s when things started getting harder for me.
My work ratcheted up and I was finding less and less time to blog, read and share. It seemed like Thursday evenings were coming so quickly and it was time for another FFF post, but I was out of town and not prepared. I joined with a great blogger, Deb at the Dandelion House, to host our Friday parties together and that helped, but I kept struggling to keep my stories coming every Thursday.
The meme is what did me in. I wanted to host FFF and loved doing it but it required me to post on a certain day and time so others could join up. It became a “job” for me and one I didn’t have time for. I started dreading Thursday’s knowing I wouldn’t have a story ready to go and before you know it, I just became overwhelmed and frozen.
At that point, I stopped all together and to my surprise, so many of you reached out to me, checking on us, asking about their favorite farm critters. It warmed my heart and I felt so badly for letting you down.
I’ve had some time to take a deep breath and decided to reach out to you and share my thoughts. I am going to continue my blog as I love it so much and I love yours, too. I am going to read as much as I can, when I can, but I’m going to do so with a slower pace and no recurring memes for now. I would even love to turn over Farm Friend Friday and the buttons to one of you consistent bloggers out there. If you are interested, e-mail me. You do have to have a linky account of some kind to make it work. I would be thrilled to have it carried on and would join when I could.
I hope you will all forgive my absence and understand my mistakes of jumping in so fully and then being overwhelmed and just frozen. I appreciate all of you who e-mailed letting me know you missed us. I hope you will continue to follow and read Verde Farm blog whenever you get the chance. I look forward to posting again and sharing stories around the farm.
My biggest hugs and thanks to all of you,
Amy at Verde Farm (and Richie too)

Ive certainly missed you I mean who else will tell us whats going on with the animals!? See you next post!
you have nothing to feel bad about. i knew your work was becoming crazy and you were having to travel a lot. some of us don't have the demands you do (at least not right now) and we have a lot of time to devote to this blogging thing. i'm just glad everything's okay and you'll continue to blog. don't worry about hosting anything or joining in to other memes. just feed us a bit of your sweet critters and your lovely place now and again and we'll be happy! :) you need to be sure to ENJOY sharing with us. work should be work. blogging should be fun. and i'd sure miss you if you hung up your blog...
Amy you silly girl..of course we will wait on you and let you go at your own pace!!We all have had frozen periods...some never come back..sad!
One thing I did was to pre-write my stories ahead of the deadline..and you can pre-post the linky's..they will kick in when the time is ready for them.
I so appreciate all you did to get The farm gals chatting..it has been wonderful.And Deb is doing an awesome job with it also!!
Surely someone will pick up the challenge.
You enjoy your weekend..and know you are cared for no matter what you decide to do!
Hugs from Texas, Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
i have been wondering about y'all. yes, i totally understand. when blogging becomes work it's no longer fun.
glad ur back and i bet the meme will find a great new home!!!
I completely get it! It can take up alot of time especially if you have a real job to boot! I struggle with this myself, more because I wonder if anybody is really listening. You are lucky to have a beautiful farm life to share. I appreciate all your efforts to do so, much less take care of a farm too! Much Blessings!
You are right Amy, I thought you fell off the edge of the earth! It's good to know that you are ok. Don't worry about doing some amazing post for Friday. The joy is in the visit...your everyday life. Post one picture, one sentence...do it on a day when you have time and schedule it to show on a Friday or don't even think you have to do anything. Hope all is well at Verde Farm. We will see you when we see you.
HI there, Amy!
Know what you mean, I seem to have bit off more than I could chew. Then the problems began with my internet and I just wanted to walk away, I think I was headed for a break-down, LOL! I do think I am going to just let the silver drop, I am not organized enough, plus the fact that the internet service is not that great for me.
I hope you can find someone to take over FFF, Seems it was quite popular!
Yep, when it feels like a job, time to let some of it go. I used to try to comment on every single post on my reading list, when the numbers climbed, so did my anxiety. It's a real strain, like a job with a deadline, every single day. I don't do that anymore, I can't, that's nuts!
Hmm, when are you going to have piglets? Ever?
Have a great afternoon and don't sweat the small stuff... blah, blah, blah. :-)
I missed you! Glad to hear that all is well.
I find it hard to post every day ! Sometimes theres just not much happening at Our Country Cove ! I am retired so I try to find the time to post every day so far so good ! I have only been blogging since May of 2010 and have hit almost 300 posts I figure something is better then nothing to post for me. I love it , I find it very interesting and informative and enjoy reading so many blogs and keep up with whats going in their neck of the woods ! Your blog is amazing and I always look forward to reading what ya been up to even if its a once in a while thing ! Have a great day !
Amy blogging should be fun....not work...you do it at your pace....hope you stick around...
Amy I completely understand you taking on too much, and needing to step back and rethink. I hope you will find the fun in blogging and post when you want, not on a pressured schedule.
That's what I do; post about two times a week. We are busy people, aren't we? Glad to see your post today. Terra
So glad to see you again and as much as I look forward to all the news on Verde Farm, I want it to happen as your heart feels the need to share.
I understand how you feel, and though I have never hosted a meme, sometimes I feel the pressure to make sure I have something to post to join some of my favorites...After I realized I was not enjoying it anymore I cut back and if my posts are meme worthy great, if not...well I hope my followers enjoy it anyway.
Glad it was just bloggers block and not the forces of nature that kept you away.
Blessings Kelsie
So glad to finally know what is up. I just figured with work and all of the other things you had going on, life just became a blur.
So glad you came back and you know blogging is about making friends not making a ball and chain.
You will always be sweet Amy to me and hey, Just take care of you.
So many of us could have written this. I'm glad to see you back, but happier still to know that you are going to find the right balance for yourself, so that you can do the things you enjoy and the things that you need to do.
Nothing can take to fun out of something as when it starts to become a chore. I've always loved your blog. Enjoy and have fun with it and don't let it become a chore.
It is good to read a post from you! While I never sent a comment to check in on you, I did stop by to see if I'd missed a post from you because I wondered...I will only say that I totally understand what you are talking about when you feel like you have to post something. I've felt that way in the past as well, and I know others have too. And like you, when we've felt that way we have all stepped back and found the balance in our lives and in blogging--I admire you for finding that balance too, it has to be there--You should blog because you love it, and as you have found not because you feel you have too. I hope you'll post when you can, stop by my blog if you'd like, and know that we're here regardless!
I've missed you and FFF :)
I hope you have a great week and thanks for checking in.
I think you need to live and blog for you.
Blog when you feel the urge, or don't.
We'll always be here when you do. ♥ :)
Amy!!!! I'm so happy to see you here again! I've been thinking about you and was just thinking this past Friday that I needed to look up your email and check up on you! Although I've been missing "FFF", I've been plain missing Verde Farm much more!
My feelings about blogging really mirrow what you said today. I know we all have a life outside of blogging and at some times of year it takes up precious free time.
I hope you continue with your posts when you have time and something to share with us... Verde Farm is one of my top ten favorites and I've been missing y'all! I'm also happy and relieved to know it was just day to day life that got in the way!
I'd be interested in keeping FFF going but I don't know much about linky parties... if you'd share a little more about what it entails with me I'd seriously think about it!
It's good to hear from you again and I know that blogging in good weather for me has become the last thing I do in the day rather than the first. Don't stop though...we all love your thoughts regardless of how often you share them, Amy!...:)JP
I have missed you so much! Hope you'll get back to enjoying your blog because you are so good at it
and bring joy to so many with your animal stories. Please let me know if you are ever in this area with your work travel.
Well, no worries whatsoever! The blogging began for all of us, to put our lives onto "paper". When it becomes overwhelming or the joy has gone out, it's time for a break. I can't speak for the others, but I've taken several breaks. Breaks are important in all areas of our lives.
I'm just glad you're okay!
So glad to hear from you. Blogging should be a fun thing, and it should never be a job. Don't feel bad for taking that step back. You have only so much time, and you have to use it in a way that makes you happy! Blessings!
Totally understand! If I did not do some blogs ahead when I have the time, I could not be here every day.
I love blogging...but some days it doesn't fit in so there is nothing to feel bad about. We are human.
When you have time, we will love the visit, other wise, enjoy those animals, your life and your family.
I'll be in and out checking.
I agree, take your time, blog when you can and want to (I'm a firm beliver in blogging without obligation.)
I know you were busy with work Amy. I am also a hard working blogger/mom/farmer/head chore girl.
You really throw yourself into everything you do. I could tell that with FFF. I have thought of you often and was very glad to see your post. Please know that we will be here, whenever you can enjoy blogging. I think we all go through this, especially in the spring and summer.
Hi Amy!
So good to hear from you again.. I too had folks asking about you and if you were alright! Bloggers are just so kind! I'm glad you're back and will check in with you from time to time!
All the best in blog land and beyond!
That's a lot of comments from people who care. Some folks don't think you can be friends with someone you've never actually met. I beg to differ! I have met such awesome people because of my blog- like you!
Just make it enjoyable. I cannot post everyday, nor comment everyday. However, I still enjoy connecting with people when I can. Nice to hear from you!
Good to see you postin again.
Hi Amy!
I'm so happy to see you back again and I know how you feel although it would be much worse having to post every week when you were already so busy. I agree with Texwisgirl...don't concern yourself over FFF and just get back into enjoying your blogging. We love seeing pictures of your farm and your critters and hearing their stories and yours too. All it takes is one photo and a few words to keep us happy..at least we know you're ok and still blogging. And as texwisgirl said...blogging should be fun so when you don't have time...don't fret over it. I hope this is a good week for you and you're not roasting over there like we are here in Kansas. Take care my MM.
Maura :)
Nice hearing from you, Amy. Sometimes we all need a break, so I totally understand. Welcome back!
We all get caught up in the whirlwind, so we understand. Blogging should be fun, not work! Keep us posted when you can, and as often as you like...we'll be there to catch up and visit. -Mary
Hi there,
I used to have a button on my blog that read "Blogging Without Obligation." That's what makes a blog fun....no obligations...just when the words want to flow. Only post when it feels good!
A blog hug is being sent to you!
Welcome back! Don't feel bad about taking some time away...blogging takes time, and needs to be fun. I know the feeling...the farm is super busy right now, and has to take 1st place. :)
I'm just glad that you and all the critters are okay.
I, for one, totally understand every single word you just wrote. It's a struggle for me most times, too.
I'm glad you're back and will be able to post when time permits.
How wonderful to have you back. Your blog was filled with such wonderful tales of your farm and your animals. I think that even though the Farm Friends Fridays were such a rousing success doesn't mean that you have to continue with all that hosting responsibility. It was you and Verde Farm we all enjoyed and still do!!
Look forward to future postings!
Glad all is well.....funny...but I have been letting my blog slide, too...I feel like I was doing all those challenges (paper) and not being able to do what I really want to...which is sew~garden~and just enjoy myself.....so I have been doing just that...when I want to post I do...or not...much better...but no one seemed to notice I was gone anyhow...hmmmph....lol...so it seems i was worrying over "nothing".....I have you in my sidebar, so whenever I see a new post I can read it (like I just did now)...just enjoy your self and post when you can...we will all be here....bye!!!!
You have bloggers remorse I think. Just write what makes you happy and I will be most happy too!
I was so glad 2 C that U had gotten back to doing some blogging albeit not a linky but just to let us know what U were up to. I have found the same problem U R experiencing too. But, it will be fun to still be able to read UR times on the farm. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.
Blogging mojo comes and goes! I've been blogging for seven years and it sure has its ups and downs. It's not good when it feels like a chore....
Glad to see you're not going to stop and here's hoping your mojo finds its way back to you :)
I've really missed you , but somehow knew you were working hard. Blogging is a part time job some days and it is difficult to read and comment faithfully on our favorite blogs. Glad everyone is fine and will look forward to reading the happenings of my favorite farm.
I feel the same way about blogging sometimes! I'm just glad you're all ok!
I love your blog and I love you being so honest about how things are going. Having many farm animals myself I assumed you were off doing what causes me to put blogging on hold ~ taking care of things there at home. I am glad to see I was right and tell you the same as 'texwisgirl', "you have nothing to feel bad about."
Blogging has offered me an outlet for writing and expressing myself, for reaching out to others, and brought so many wonderful people into my life. It is a shame when we begin to dread blogging, so pace yourself and keep blogging, WHEN IT WORKS FOR YOU. Please?
Tell the critters "Hi" from another critter lover, me.
Always AMY!!!
We missed you, but totally understood that in order for you to blog at all, you have to live life to its fullest :D I cant blog regularly either, EVEN if Im at home lol adventures call! Maybe thats why a true memoir is always written by the elders, instead of kids - hopefully life slows down a bit at 75...then maybe not -! lol
so we will wait patiently for Verde farm's adventures...and about FFF and meme's and all that other stuff? "I dont even know what a meme is so I dont think it must be that all important...says feral"
Hi Amy!
Glad to know all is well on the farm. That balance between real life and the blog can be a tricky one, can't it? I understand exactly how you're feeling and have been there myself many different times in life.
I've always been beyond impressed to know that you have a very full-time, off the farm career, in addition to your very full-time, on the farm life. Speaking of farm life, is Pansy preggers? Enquiring minds, you know. :)
Have a wonderful weekend, Amy!
I'm pretty sure all of us have done it at one time or another (I know I have, several times). Some days I think I should add the initials G.D.F.T.T.T. after my name: Going down for the third time ;o)
Although I just found you, and am following you lest I turn right around and lose you again, I will say you have a lovely blog and [obviously] a terrific bunch of loyal and supportive readers.
Well hey there and thanks for visiting my blog...again...after such a long absence!!! I know exactly how you feel. You do something as a hobby...ooohhh like getting ONE beehive...then before you know it..you have two...then three...then a dozen! And you call it a hobby and it takes up ALL of your time or if you can't do it the way you want...it takes up your thoughts with guilt and worry! GIRL....blogging is a HOBBy and is supposed to be fun. Just roll with it. If you don't have anything to say...don't say anything! If you do...like I apparently do right now...then just roll with that too! OK Lordy...I'll shudup now! ANd next year...get bees...ONE hive.
Cindy Bee
Hey missed you dear!
I know this is a very late comment but I also get bloggers block. I seem to have it right now. Love all your posts but only do it when you really want to and have something to say. As you can tell people really love your blog and would miss you if you weren't here. Hope you're having a good week.
Ahh, so glad to see you've come up for air and I see there are at least 49 of us ready to do our CPR with kind words of encouragement! Take a deep breath and a step back, realize you are not Super Woman, and go back to blogging for pleasure! Nobody is going to make you sit in a corner for not posting or hosting a meme,silly girl!! You have not let anyone down, well, maybe the chickens are a little disappointed (just kidding)! Take some pride in your creative genius that it took to come up with Farm Friend Friday! Somebody will surely take it off your busy hands and you can join in whenever you feel the need. So glad to have you back... when you let things go, you let good things come...maybe in your case it will be your mojo! Love always,Lisa
I think you do an incredible job of doing both I did not know how you did it. Life is too short to worry about pleasing others. I am glad you are OK and everyone is happy to have you back. I think when blogging starts to be a job then I would not enjoy nor be able to do it either.
I will continue to drop by to see if you have posted. Take care and you are appreciated. Don't stress to much about it you are missed though.
Blogging should be fun. There are very supportive friendly people thinking just like you. B
Blogging is supposed to be fun, not a job. I think you are doing the right thing by stepping back from FFF and concentrating on the blog. That's what I'm most interested in anyway. I'm looking forward to future posts - (when you are in the mood to do them of course).
I so understand and get where your coming from as I am finding it harder these days to get on and read blogs or write post for my own.......so no need for apologies, glad to hear your doing good, just busy with life!
You are missed and thought of. As you can see, I don't get "on" much either... Real farm life is just too crazy busy! As much as I imagine new posts daily my time and internet connection just won't allow it. Thank you for keeping it real and sharing. I love your blog and will look forward to future updates about all your critters, business enterprises, plans and plantings. Good luck!
Yes, I have missed you and your posts! But I am slooow in getting around to blogs (and posting).. so just now reading this. Amy, no need to feel bad. But, please check in when you can and let us know how you & Richie and your wonderful critters are doing, ok? We do miss you, and I saw my particular favorites (the donks) in your sidebar and they made me smile as always. Take care of you, and see you with the next post! -Tammy
Sorry I haven't checked on you in a while. I stopped participating in FFF because I couldn't get pictures on the linky.....so I just kind of fell off...... Sorry you got the writer's block...it happens. But so glad everything else is ok. Did you have any piglets this year????
I know how difficult it is to blog and follow others especially when "life" takes us in other directions. I.E. I'm still in CT looking for a house for the Pres & I and haven't been "on" regularly...:(JP P.S. Hang in and "good to hear from you again!!"
Hey-oh, luv-
I am the biggest ofender when it comes to Not Keeping Up. ;)
Everyone misses you but we know you're still out there......
I think Summer Dust on our blogs is put there by the Faeries to make us focus on other things.
We'll all still be right here come the nippy weather!
Peace to you....
I discovered your blog not long ago and enjoy it very much. I understand your feelings totally. I will share how I feel about writing three blogs (well, actually one is a autobiography for my kids): IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! There are times I step away for a bit and take a breather...to return usually with a a renewed interest. I'll look forward to catching up on your back posts.
So glad you are going to continue to blog. Life has a way of spinning so fast that we feel overwhelmed. So just take your time, blog when you can and be good to yourself! blessings,Kathleen
Glad all is well. I understand. There are some days I wonder why I blog at all...but I do enjoy it.
If it's not fun, don't do it. Simple. We have enough dead lines and have-to's in our lives without adding to the burden.
I live in a small city, and living in the country is a dream of mine. Unfortunately, with the housing market being the way it is ...i am unable to even think about selling my home in the city and move to the country.
Reading about your everyday life on the farm is better blogging stuff than you think...I love it.
I do wish that mo would get back in your jo cause we miss you in the meadow....
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