“I need to laugh, and when the sun is out
I’ve got something I can laugh about
I feel good, in a special way
I’m in love and it’s a sunny day"
Hi farm friends, remember that happy song? Well, I heard and felt it beaming through my window all day long. None of us here at Verde have seen the solar ball or felt its warm rays for weeks. We’ve been worried we may never see him again. I know Jimmy Dean has kept him busy with those breakfast commercials, but seriously, it’s time to get back to work-- and today, he did.
Let’s take a walk and see what’s going on out there, shall we?
Jeckle and Hyde couldn’t wait on us to get outside. They kept knocking, knocking at the door and then started to ring the bell they were so excited to let us know it was a “Good Day Sunshine” kinda day.
"Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine”
Burdock was waiting for us at the gate. I am pretty sure he was hoping for a cookie and a nose rub. He got both and bounded into the pasture humming along.
"We take a walk, the sun is shining down
Burns my feet as they touch the ground”
Chaucer told Lydia it was ok to come out of her hiding place at Heartbeak Hotel. “Good Day Sunshine," he said. Hesitant Lydia reluctantly came outside, but quarreled about the residual white stuff clinging to the hard ground.
"Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine”
This fowl group didn’t have to be told to come outside, they were out in full strut and sun bathing for the first time in a long time.
Cogburn was glowing when I snapped this one. See the rainbow ring around him? He was crowing with such pride. He was looking for a hen and singing...
“Then we lie beneath a shady tree
I love her and she’s loving me
She feels good, she knows she’s looking fine
I’m so proud to know that she is mine”
Rain was happy, too. Golden in the sun, he hid behind the fence looking for place to shade his eyes. However, he wasn’t complaining because it was a “Good Day Sunshine” kinda day.
"Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine”
Now it’s time for Farm Friend Friday. Can’t wait to see who joins us this week. Let’s get this farm party started because it’s a “Good Day Sunshine” kinda day.
1. Post your Farm Friend Friday story
2. Copy the link to that post from your URL browser
3. Click below on “Click here to enter”
4. Type your name or blog name in the Linky box
5. Paste the URL for that post in the Linky box
6. Right click on the Farm Friend Friday button and click “save as” to your computer
7. Upload the picture/button to your post and add the following link: www.verdefarm.com or
8. Link back to Farm Friend Friday by posting the link
9. This will allow others to come back here to see all the other posts shared
Happy Friday,

lol I think they're all enjoying some warm weather! Very lucky!
Everyone looks so sweet and I love the peacock.
Oh what a wonderful day...Just viewing everyone enjoying the sunshine made me feel like skipping along to the beat of the song...Thank you for sharing this glorious morning with us.
Blessings Kelsie
Hi Amy... oooh,, I love your sunshiney day and all of your precious critters at your farm!... I especially love "Heartbeak Hotel"!... xoxo Julie Marie
This really made my day! Thank you Amy!
I think its always a good day on your farm, sunshine or not. Happy contented animals.
Oh! Handsome Burdock and "my" RAIN-man!!! He looks wonderful! I'd love to get my hands on his fiber...
It is so good to "see" the boys (and the chickens!) again.
Have a wonderful weekend!
P.S. I added your blog to my blog roll so it's easier to follow you
So glad you had some sunshine! The animals certainly do seem to be enjoying it. I love the fowl picture with the shadows.
I love the solar ball AND I love Farm Friend Friday!!
I found SO many fantastic new blogs last week : )
Thanks Amy!
I love your animals...and that peacock...WOW!! Beautiful :) Thanks for doing this. What a wonderful idea.
good day sunshine...I love that song..now it is in my head...love your photos..
This was a happy, sunny day indeed! Wonderful photos of your happy critters!
What a great introduction for me to your farm.
Unfortunately here, when the sun comes out, the temperatures dip. I have not figured that out. Still, if the winds go away we are happy.
The animals are lovin that sunshine so much! Beautiful pictures of them!
Oh, I love that song. It makes me happy, too! Your pictures are great. I especially like the peacock with its shadow.
cute post amy. will join later when i have some time...didn't get to comment earlier. loved sheps glasses, such a cutie pie.
Fun, fun, fun! Great pics, lol at the Heartbreak Hotel:@)
Thanks for joining Happily Married to the Cows! This is truly addicting! :)
Glad you had sunshine...it looks like everyone's enjoying it!
Your animals are all so cute, Amy! I want to know what kind of cookie Burdock got....chocolate chip?
Glad you enjoyed your sunny day. We haven't seen more than a sneak peak or two in ages. Can't wait till spring!
these photos are just gorgeous!
I'm loving Farm Friend Fridays - thank you so much for setting it up.xx
Oh Amy, such a fun post! I am so glad that you had a sunny day and that everyone was out struttin' their stuff!
They all look so happy to live on your farm! Pretty babies!
Hugs- Tete
The peacocks are gorgeous! My, what lovely birds.
Amy, my Farm Friend Friday post is scheduled to publish at midnight tonight. I hope that is all right. I had already posted today. :)
That sunshine is just what we have been needing.
We were beginning to forget what the sunshine actually looked like.
All the critters look like they were having fun soaking it up.
That was so much fun to read, what a great story & walk through the barnyard to meet all your critters!!! =)
I can't tell a story near as well, but my Farm Friend is up & ready to be doted on!
Hello Amy!
Yes I think they are all happy to see the sunshine finally. We need spring...it's been a hard winter so far. Love all your pictures but especially the one with the Guinea's...they cute! It was a 'sunshine day' here today and will be for at least the next 3 with temps reaching over 50..wooohoo! Hope you have a wonderful Farm Friend Friday ;) Maura :)
All the animals seem very content with the sunshine. Jeckle and Hyde look like they are discussing the benefits of sunshine to me.
Burdock is adorable!
That sunshine was sure nice! It melted a lot of yesterday's snow. Even though it's still cold, Jack played outside with Jill a good 20 minutes! Yep, us peoples aren't the only ones who need the sun!
Hi Amy!
I had such a sweet visit here with you and your sweet creatures!
I love your photo shots..gorgeous!
Im your newest follower (purehunnybee)
I love everything about the country!
Have a sunshiny day!!
Come on over and visit!
Deborah :)
I can't believe you talked about "sunshine!" I just wrote a little song for my grand daughter so I can sing it to her all about sunshine!!!...:)JP
Good Day Sunshine! Amy Amy just a darling post full of sunshine and sweet Verde Farm faces!
I did it! I did it! I linked up to your Farm Friend Friday for some fun! I get excited when I do something new and I get it right. I'll calm down now. I am in love with Burdock! He's adorable!
Cindy Bee
drat! i missed FFF... but next time! can't wait to join in on the fun. but for now here's me:
happy friday!
What happy folks you have! I came home to find ours stretched out in the sunshine, on their BACKS, and snoring! Oh, yeah!
I'm with Jeckle and Hyde. I can't wait to get out too. We had snow!! yesterday morning but it melted by 9:AM.
Suppose to warm up this weekend. I plan on laughing it up in the sunshine!
Love the pictures.
Have a great weekend.
Great lyrics, beautiful sunshine and an amazing collection of critters!
I'm thrilled you stopped by and reminded me. Was just heading out the door ~ well trying to. How hard it is to back away from the computer and head to work, with all these fabulous links to discover. Will be back this evening to do some visiting. Have a great day
Amy, I love the names you've picked for your animals. Nice post and thanks for hosting the link party. :)
Luv all the pictures.
Luv all the pictures.
Gorgeous peacock! Cogburn's pretty handsome too. Nice photos :-).
Good thing you did a "sunshinny" post, there's not much sunshine in Montana today. So....I am enjoying your sunshine vicariously... A great way to start my day!(:
Hey Amy the lady who wrote the poem I posted today is in your linky party. She stopped by and told me and here name is Michaele http://sproutnwings.blogspot.com/
I am so thrilled.
Hi Amy... I've been so busy checking all the links that I forgot to leave a comment on your post!!
No sunshine here in the Northwest but I've had the tune from "good day sunshine" running through my head all morning :)
Farm Friend Friday is turning out to be a lot of fun! Thanks for hosting.
Just popped over from 'Buttons Thoughts' to look at your farm. Our animals are a bit bigger than yours as we have horses and Brahman cattle mainly. Will be in FFF sometime in the future though :).
It's lovely to see all of the farm animals enjoying the sunshine.
How exciting to live on the farm !
All those happy faces on a sunny day - love it!
Oh the sun shined on the Ponderosa and it was goooood!!!
God bless ya and have a beautiful weekend sweetie!!!
LOVE THE POST!!!! The animals are all so precious. Too cute.
Aren't animals so beautiful. Just visiting them in their natural beauty is enough to make anybody's day!! :)
Thank you for the link party. Fun to find other farming friends in blog land! :)
Beautiful sunny day pictures of all the animals but the golden fleece on the sheep and the gorgeous colors on the peacock are so wonderful. Happy Valentine's Day early!
I love looking at pictures of your farm. I want to visit someday... it looks so inviting!! I even googled how long it would get there> I think you're about 3 1/2 hours away. (My wheels are turning- lol)
Amy, I loved your post, and I love Farm Friend Friday. Now that I have mine over, I am going to sit and read some of the great posts you have gathered together. How I want some of your little pigs, and how I want peacocks! Maybe someday!
Amy, HELP... I don't know how to grab the Farm Friend Friday widget! Instructions, please!
Love the post...and the sunshine.
Computer ignorant so did not get on board this time.
People can click on my picture in this comment and it should take them to my blog.
What FUN - love that sunshine and happy "faces!" Your critters are gorgeous. I'm shoppin heritage breed chicks right now (and heritage plant seeds) and dreamin of spring. Thanks for the smiles and new tune hummin' through my head. Hope it's a good day, Sunshine Amy (Emmy)!
Oh I feel just like your critters! When the sun comes out I want to run outside and just bask in it! Farm Friend Friday is a wonderful thing! I will try for next Friday!
How fun is this ~ spending some time this am discovering some amazing farm friends. Half way through the links ` have to tear myself away for a bit ~ will be back to visit the rest. Thanks for hosting such a fun linky
Hi there,
Thanks for stopping by today and for following. I am sure following you, too! I love your blog. I grew up in the country, and I long for the "country side" of life to return soon! Your animals stole my heart away. I'm looking forward to visiting often!
This was just the sweetest and most fun post I've seen all week. Thanks for sharing your farm friends with us today! Love the boys at your door! SO funny.
Love this post! It is amazing what a little bit of sunshine can do for your whole outlook! Jeckle & Hyde are perfect names for a couple guineas :)
I enjoyed your farm friend post. You've got great farm animals. It was sunny here today, too, but it was so cold!
Just wanted to say...I LOVE your blog...so refreshing and fun!!! I have become a follower and enjoy your pets ...love those donkeys as I mentioned before....we had chickens while I was growing up and my Dad always called them his "girls"...your blog brings back a lot of forgotten good memories...thanks for sharing!
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