Well, it’s been quite the week around here. We’ve had a little revolt, if you will, coming from the chicken house. They’ve been hearing farmer talk about our website and how we had shared some of their stories and beautiful pictures with our farm friends and they got really excited. Then things took a turn toward the dark side. The farm council had a meeting and representative Rooster Frank stood up and asked for the floor. "The chickens have been discussing the Verde Farm website and they feel if Mr and Mrs Farmer are writing about them and using their images from time to time they ought to have a part in it too,” Frank said.
Chief Councilman Otis, from the donkey branch, said he didn’t have any interest in such affairs and Councilman Burdock from the sheep weighed in and agreed. “We don’t want to spend our time reading and writing on that blog." I think the Farmer’s do just fine others chimed in. However, Frank persisted and the hen house erupted with support.
Well, long story short, the council passed a special motion giving the chickens their own post on the Verde Farm website. The motion passed unanimously seeing as how the other animals didn’t care one way or the other. So after a long night of chicken scratchings for a proposal to Richie and me, they presented us with "Verde Farm Chicken Picks” just as the sun came up this morning.
The idea is every so often our chickens will pick a few farm friend posts they really like and want to make sure get shared with the blog readers. This gives them a chance to let the farm followers know which posts made them lay an egg or do a chicken dance. How could we refuse? Our little chickens wanting to get involved warmed our hearts so here we have it friends, without further cock-a-doodle-doo, the inaugural “Verde Farm Chicken Picks.”
Sunny D Light’s pick is Lilac Lane Cottage’s post on picking a new color for their house. Maura, who lives in windy Kansas, has a beautiful farm abundant in lilac bushes you can almost smell from the pictures, a beautiful dog named Shep and a few chickens too. This week she posted about her need to find just the right paint color for her beautiful cottage, despite some challenges she faces with lighter colors. Sunny recommends yellow, of course, but maybe you have just the suggestion Maura needs.
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Lilac Lane Cottage |
Corgi’s In My Garden |
From Beyond My Kitchen Window |
boy those animals know how to take over...great post....thank you for all your sweet comments...
LOL Amy that was a hoot!! I can just picture all the animals standing around having their little council meeting...kind of reminds me of the movie Babe...but with chickens instead of a pig. I'm so glad my post either made them lay an egg or do the chicken dance...either way I'm very honored that they picked my blog as one they enjoyed. Please give them each a big hug ..scritch or peck on the beak for me ok....THANK YOU!!
Your friend Maura :)
Your chickens have really been busy this week and I'm so honored that they picked Corgis in my Garden. I actually did a miniature hen house when I started blogging. Think I'll publish it again tomorrow. My daughter, Amy,
and I would like to meet you for lunch or dinner when you come to your regional office.
Your blog brings me joy!
Excellent idea, I think Plato is spot on!
Uh oh. I don't think I'd be turning my back on those hens any time soon! Sounds like they mean business!
Too funny Amy... you'd better keep an ear out though... it's starting to sound a little "George Orwellish" over there.
You'd best keep Pansy and Porter away from any pigs named Napolean...;)
A big thank you and shout out to Plato for the vote of confidence in my pursuit of a chicken coop and Happy Hens. I just knew there would be someone who understands the need for me to raise chickens. I think the idea of chickens getting together and discussing the blogs will be very informative. Can't wait to see what happens next. Too cute and so creative on the farmers part!!
Bossy little chickens, but at least they have good taste ! Good picks too!
What a wonderful blog!! I found you on a quilters blog, but popped over for a look and I am so glad I did.
My husband and I recently visited my parents who are in a rest home in rural New Zealand and guess what was there? 2 KuneKune pigs!! My husband and I fell in love with 'Glen' & 'Brooke' and would one day love 2 of our own.Thanks for the interesting info about our native pig.
Those chickens - so smart! I know Maura's blog and follow it, but the others are new to me (and my chickens).
I like your chicken picks.I LOVED your post it made me smile this morning :-)
I think you chickens might be on to something!This was a great post!
You tell Rooster Frank that I admire him for his pluck! What a way to rule the roost! That old boy sure knows hor to strut his stuff...LOL
You are just too much fun! Love this post.
Hugs- Tete
I won't let the chickens near the computer. The clean-up would drive me binky!
This post was the best!! Soooo cute!! Now I'm going to go check out these friends. Thanks Chickie's...
So nice of you, I mean your chickies, to share the spotlight with some great farm blogs.
I'll definitely have to go check them out! :)
Nice post and thanks for the links! You have some pretty smart chickens at your place.
Well I guess the Chickens have Spoken!lol I will have to go have a look-see!
Smart chickens with good taste. A perfect combination if you ask me.
What a neat idea. I went over and checked out the doll house.
big black rocky gave a low growl when i told him who your chickens had voted for. and princess hissed when i relayed to her that you wanted to steal her from her mama and daddy in your comment. but i thought your choices were lovely but i had already visited and commented on them. both blogs are so nice and interesting! but i am still not convincing my kitties! word has spread to the barn cats and oh no, cricket is really upset! :)
That was good, loved the post and great blog picks to ! Have a clucking day !
What a wonderful post and some smart fowl you have!
Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog! :)
Amy, Nothing like good old American democracy to get things done right. I loved reading the minutes of the council meeting and was so impressed how they all worked together!! Congratulations to the chickens for getting their own post! They have great taste in blogs too!
How incredibly cool! I've always wondered about the opinions of our fine feathered friends! Long live the chicken blog.They have very good taste...but I hope they don't wind up tasty.
Oh my.. you have very smart chickens they must be related to mine..LOL
That was fun! It's always nice to find good blogs.
Oh, Amy! You are so funny! Just hilarious. You are such a good animal mama to let the gang have their say.
And that sweet little piggie in your header is just about enough to convert me from farmgirl fraud to the real thing.
I want a pig. And a mini donkey.
Or two.
and now I must peruse some new blogs that look like fun to read!
What fun! Right away I was reminded of my kids favorite book (a gift from another dear Farm Momma)... It's Called "Chicks n Salsa" and about the farm rooster watching cooking shows and inspiring the others to raid the garden and partay! ;-)
Oops, maybe I shouldn't be giving your feathered friends any more ideas. Please thank them for their cute post!
ps- please snuggle a duckling for me too- so sweet!
I loved this post! Thanks for the links, I always love to read blogs I haven't seen before.
So cute. Be careful, they'll take over before you know it!!
How fun is this!? What a cute post and what wonderful recommendations! Your little duckies are precious! Are you as ready for spring as I am?? My coveralls have been frozen from the spilled water as much as the water in the waterers!
Amy - Thank you for stopping by Granny's Best today. It sounds like I'm going to enjoy reading your blog too. I like your style!
I will definitely check out those blogs you recommended. Lilacs...you can't go wrong with lilacs. Doll houses, wow, I can't wait to check that out. Samson Says; You chickens were very smart to want your very own input. What would Verde Farm be without you guys. Woof, woof.
oh amy...you are too cute..that was just adorable...i loved reading all of it...and nice picks girls....
makes me so HAPPY to visit here...
kary and teddy
What a lovely blog, and cute story to boot.
I stopped over to welcome you to my blog "Nickers & Neighs" and to Thank you for leaving me such a sweet comment.
Please do come over and browse some of our prior posts.
Love those little ducklings, they are darling.
Thanks for welcoming me to the blog world. I love your farm. What kind of sheep do you have? I mostly spin Border Leicester. I long for a sheep farm, but then I might not have too much time to actually do any spinning! Spinning is easy once you get the hang of it.
Have a great day!
Amy, please thank your chickens for their recommendations. Lovely blogs that I would have never found on my own.--Inger
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