Hello farm friends, it has been very cold in our area the last few days. At night our temps have been in the low single digits and below. Water is staying frozen and Farmer Richie has to de-thaw and replenish often. Not a time of year we would purposefully hatch baby ducklings but sometimes things happen around here without our permission.
Elvis and Brownie have been in love for many moons. Brownie, our mama muscovy, had her first balding of ducklings in May 2010--twenty-one ducklings to be exact. She attempted to hatch another group but to no avail. Unfortunately, our peafowl like to find the duck eggs and eat them and we really didn’t want to have any until spring due to the temperatures. It just so happened, Elvis and Brownie had a different plan. They stowed away under the barn steps out of farmer and peafowl sight and the next thing you know...
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Elvis by the pond |
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Brownie trying to hatch eggs earlier this year with help from the hens |
Farmer was walking to the barn this morning and found this...
We shall call them Huey, Dewey and Louie. Remember how mischievous the Disney trio were? I think the names seem to fit.
It is way too cold for day old ducklings to be out in the snow, and mama wasn’t being very attentive. She kept running off and leaving them to follow. It was not an easy task for the babies. They were barely able to stand--or not--from the looks of the one above. He wasn’t dead, he just lost his footing, thank the Lord.
Farmer got worried and put some hay in a bucket and brought them inside. They were shaking from the chill in their body. I had read on Tales from the Coop Keeper many times how she takes her baby chickens and puts them in her sweatshirts to warm them against her body-- so I told him to get me a towel and the electric blanket.
In they went and snuggled into a small pile. It didn’t take long until the shaking stopped and the three drifted into a deep, restful sleep. I have to say they were so precious with their downy feathers and sweet little chirping sounds resting there. As I peaked at them, one looked up at me as if to say “thank you mommy.” Oh my heart melted.
About an hour and a half later they started chirping away and seemed to be telling me it was time to eat and drink. The difference in that short time of warmth resulted in their eyes being alert, standing on their own and energy galore. Jayme knew what she was talking about.
We will nurse Huey, Dewey and Louie until they are strong enough to go to the coop and ultimately out to live with their big brothers and sisters. As for our lovebirds, Elvis and Brownie, we will be moving her to the girl’s dormitory until spring. Elvis better not be caught shimmying up the tree to sneak in to see her either. Bad boy Elvis!
Quack, quack,

I LOVE your pictures..I know it's not funny but the little duckling on his back made me laugh..Their little faces are so sweet..
They are so precious! The names fit them perfect. You are such a good mom.
you are braver than me gunga din!
ducklings are hardy but in jan?
bloody hell
How adorable!! They are just too darn cute! I love their names, too. And I can see why Brownie couldn't resist Elvis...he is just too handsome! Hope the little ones survive the cold start to life. Keep us posted and more pix would be good! :D ~Cheryl
oh amy i am in love! my daddy loved ducks and had them when he was a boy. my older sister gets orphaned wild ducks whose mothers have left or have been injured and she raises them in her home then releases them in her lake. she is our duck pro! be sure to show brownie and elvis that the babies are doing ok. even though she left them as you described, she still loves them. love this post! jill
Your story melts my heart-we need more people in the world like you!!!!! If we all took care of the animals-this world would be a better place and what greater pleasure they give back to us!
what a sweet trio and the names are perfect...ehemmmm. i am smiling as i am quite fond of one of the names...;) i can't wait to see more, do a daily duck post for us so we can watch them grown...what a gift for the new year!
Amy they are just so adorable and precious! I'm glad that you decided to take them inside to keep them because it just isn't the right kind of weather for those little babies to be out in. Great names you picked for them too!
Stay warm!
My farmer has been playing water games on a regular basis lately too.
The babies are so cute!The weather is terribly brutal for adult animals. The babes need extra care. Good job!
You just made my day with these pictures. Precious ducklings! So glad you brought them inside. I do hope you will keep us posted on their growth and progress.
What a grand way to begin the new year...they're so sweet! And what a good heart you have to bring them inside to snuggle. Can't wait to see more photos! -Mary
What a surprise! So adorable, I would have them in the kitchen with a little heater on them and spend half my time watching them grow (and the other half, cleaning up their mess) Great names too!
Amy! They are adorable!! I imagine they will be a handful in no time but well worth it. I laughed at the photo with one of the ducklings on his back, I thought he was doing....the bird dance! : )
Oh they are so sweet. I hope they stay toasty warm. Those darling little eyes really do melt your heart. I love the names. Quack quack!!
I agree with John. January is very early -- poor little guys!
Ducklings are the best little babies. I'm so glad you brought them in -- I think Momma must have realized how early it was and that it was not in the cards for her to be taking care of kids in the snow.
Oh, the sweetness!! Love the little ducklings, and their names. And the story is priceless, as are the pics! Thanks for the smiles :) -Tammy
oh...bless you for taking them in and getting them warm....i would have done the same thing...they look so warm and cozy and happy....
they are just darling...
you're THE BEST !!!!!!!
sending warm love,
kary and teddy
I'm so glad you discovered them! Not only are they adorable, your photographs are fantastic! Can't wait to follow them...
Precious angels in the snow!!! And now warm and cozy and taken care of! Love it!
Oh, they look so soft and snuggly. They are certainly lucky you found them when you did... I doubt Mama Browine could have kept them warm enough this time of year.
Enjoy your new babies:-)
oh Amy they are just too darn cute...silly mamma duck what whas she thinking...good thing she has you to help out...
I think you have bonded with Huey, Dewey and Louie. Pictures are so sweet.
What perfect little gifts to brighten a gloomy winter day!
Awww that is a precious love story!
I love the sweet pictures!
I remember an unexpected batch we had to house in a swimming pool in the dinning room until they could handle the cold!
Oh what the neighbors must have been thinking! LOL
Smiles, Dolly
OMG, and I thought puppies were cute!How could one's heart NOT melt over these little cuties. Hewy, Dewy, and Lewy are adorable! Please keep us updated as they grow.
Amy, what a cute story, that Elvis is some guy! I went on to readf your blog, I have not had time for a while and loved the cottage story. It's beautiful, I love your taste and your eye for detail! Dawn @ Coon Hollow Farm
They are so cute! I love the names you picked. But, you are right, it is way too cold for them to be outside. I'm glad you took care of them.
Oh I love baby ducks and you get to be a duck mommy. How nice. Enjoy them and I can't wait to see lots of baby pictures.
They are sooo Cute!! Glad you were able to get them in time. Lol @ Bad Elvis!
Aww they are so precious !
I had to smile at the little one on his back with his feet in the air, so sweet.
What cute names, I'd say you are proud parents :)
Aww Amy they are precious! I think ducklings are so cute and one day we'll get more feathered friends around the farm. Thank heavens Richie found them before they got too cold. Aren't they just the softest little balls of fluff! Have fun raising them and here's hoping Brownie takes good care of them. Looking forward to more pictures later ;) Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Maura :)
Too cute!
Our Muscovies were always our best mamas. The Khaki Campbells are just not motherhood material!
oh my! How absolutely adorable - and I thought I had a hard time collecting mine up in the heat! You did the right thing- they look just gorgeous all wrapped up.
I have never been a momma duck, but it looks like fun. Sweet faces! I love the one on his back!
Get an old birdcage and sit it half on half off on a heating pad turned on low. If they get cold they can move on the warm part and if they get too hot, they can move off. The slinding drawer at the bottom makes for easy cleaning. I use mine for birds and new kittens.
Cover the cage with a throw so they will sleep and feel safe and no drafts.
Keep photos coming of Donald's nephews!
They are so precious! I just love ducklings...maybe not in the middle of winter, but they are so cute. Great names! Luckily she didn't hatch 21 this time around!
Adorable! Adorable! Just adorable! I'm so glad you and Farmer found them and saved them. You rock!
I love the one of the little guy slipping and falling on his back.
Wow, those pictures are wonderful. I absolutely loved reading this post. I think it is so sweet that you have lovebird ducks, I can't even begin to think how heartwarming it was to wrap those little ducks up and watch them sleep! Can't wait to see more of those beautiful and handsome birds!
This is a precious post - reminds me of when I was young and dad would have piglets born outside before the sows would be crated-- the babies (piglets) would be put in a metal tub and brought in to be warmed up....then their pens would be prepared after the fact... Love the pics of the ducklings.... so cute!
Oh my gosh, Amy, they are the cutest things I've ever seen. Wish I was there to old them. They look so soft and sweet.
I WANT A BABY DUCK!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!I have never seen anything so cute in my entire life as these sweet babies...and the one on it's back..poor little sod. I wanna be a mama to baby ducks. In the nicu they call that kangaroo care...now it is called hewey louie and dewey care!!!!
Ps i still like the donkeys.
Wow - that is so sweet! Love those photos - an unexpected surprise!
They are soooo cute!!!! Doesn't Jayme have the best ideas????
I love your new header!!!
Stay cozy...all of you!
Awe, that is the cutest thing ever! Your a good Momma too. Hubby had to do this with a baby chick. Before it was over with, this chick rode on the top of hubbies boot instead of walking, hubby hand fed it, and oh my how spoiled it was. Before it was over with, he had hubby so trained. It was too cute.
how sweet! they are just precious!
january is a harsh time to be born...they are lucky to have you!
How precious they are. I'm glad they're okay.
Awwww... They are so sweet. The pics. of them are beautiful, love the names. I just wanna snuggle with them... now I want more ducklings! lol Enjoy your new Snow Babies.
Goodness, there's hardly anything cuter than a baby duck---maybe 3 ducklings. :)
I'm glad your sweet hubby had his eyes open or they'd have died pretty quickly!
Love the babies. Love the color of the babies next to the snow.
What a joyous story to read this morning as I'm dreaming of spring and warm weather. I hope the little guys can survive, and will be swimming in the pond by spring!! I love the names you gave them, and the photos were so cute!! Congratulations to Brownie and Elvis and Mama Amy too!
I don't think I have EVER seen anything so precious!!! I envy your little farm life.
¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
(¸.*´ (¸.*´* Lori Lynn *
Wonderful!...love this story and the great pictures...Kinda gives us hope for the spring time.
Great Photos! The little ducks look like they don't have a care in the world :-)
Have a Nice Day :-)
How cute and I love the names that you picked out.
I had to laugh at the one that's laying upside down.
I love your new winter banner with the snowflakes too!
AWWW how cute are they ? Love your new blog look its great ! Have a great day !
OH MY IS that baby sweetness or what!!!!! My motherly instincts have kicked in - my uterus hurts and I dont even have one anymore!
except you must be one Buuuusssssy momma! Seeing that yellow fluff against that white snow is sooo...er..sooo...abnormal...! We wish you speedy growth on behalf of those babies!
Oh Amy,
How sweet is that ... does mom bring them in at night? And isn't that a little unusual to hatch in winter???
Stay warm and keep them sweet babies safe and warm.
Oh, Louie flat on his back! Poor fella. Good thing they had you to rescue them from the cold. They are sooooo cute, but yes, not exactly born at the best time of year. Love these photos, Amy!
The one laying on it's back with it's feet up is too much :). Bet they were glad to get inside.
Aren't they the sweetest little things....how cute.
This is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
So absolutely sweet! Love this post.
Oh my heart is MELTING! Please send them to me overnight express! How I miss ducklings. Everything thrives with some love. : -)
Priceless. They are just precious. That makes your heart feel good doesn't it. Just warms ya all over. I'm visiting from Brenda's Welcome Wagon. Have a great day. I'll be back.
Amy when I read this post my heart simply melted. By golly gee, I just realized when I come to visit I am going to need a larger cage! Blessings to you from snowy Maine, Julie
Hello! I just found your sweet blog. I was born in Parkersburg many moons ago and know how beautiful your area is.
When I first saw pictures of the ducklings in the snow, I about had a heart attack till I read the explanation. Bad Elvis, indeed! Of course, it takes two - don'tcha know :)
What a good mom! If I were a duck, i would like to live on Verde Farm!
Oh my gosh those ducks are adorable. My children would just love them!
I LOVE your blog too! I am so glad you came across mine. I am now your newest follower!
Now I'm off to look at more of your posts!
Hugs, Ann
Oh! Oh dear, I'm totally in love with these babies. I NEED a pond. I NEED baby ducks. Huey, Dewey, and Louie are adorable. I'm so glad they're safe and warm. I was so relieved to read that the little one had just fallen over and was not frozen!
Your pictures are "Priceless"! I LOVE looking at them... Those ducklings are just TOO CUTE!!!
Thank you for sharing...Have a wonderful week,
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