Hi farm friends, hope your week is off to a great start. We are having such a great time sorting through your incredibly clever suggestions in naming our new chicken house. The hens are not only clucking about the contest, they even sent Frank Rooster out to get the grand prize. The little fella brought it by earlier today to show it to me and I thought you all might want to see it too. His taste in gifts tends toward his own kind--chicken--yet his choices are not paltry. He found a beautiful ceramic rooster, a chicken book marker, and a great little book on poultry. The lucky contest winner will be selected on Wednesday night. No idea is a bad idea, and we, as well as Frank and the hen house, are grateful for your suggestions and participation.

And, we also are doing a giveaway for all who leave a comment on this post for one entry-- and another entry for sharing the contest on your site. This winner will be selected by random drawing and will have a different prize especially for them.
Good luck to all.
Cluck, cluck,
You are just the sweetest! I'm so glad you told me to come visit! I'm having FUN on the Farm! ♥♥♥
Well, Amy you do have a talented rooster and he has really good taste. Frank picked out a lovely rooster. Frank is going to need his own blog soon as I see him fast outgrowing sharing your blog with him. You know how pompous rooters get, especially in the spring. I tried to think up a new name but drew a blank. I will point people to your give away in my post for Tuesday.
I am sure there are would be farm girls who would love a giveaway to chase away the winter doldrums.
Have a great Monday.
What an awesome prize! I'm hoping my Elvis-inspired name will win!
(sending subliminal messages to Frank right now -- pick me, pick me...)
Haha! Have a great day, Amy!
That cute coop should be called Layin' Lane. Frank said he thought the rooster would look fabulous at the Red Farmhouse, by the way.
HELLO!! I'm still trying to think of a name and all I could come up with were,
the Red Roost Inn
and Hen Haven, that I 'think' was all ready suggested.
Good luck!! It's a nice give-a-way!! Hope your week is off to a good start!
That is a sweet prize for someone to win! Good luck in picking a name from all of those wonderful entries! Whew! I for one would have a hard time picking!
Have a Great Day!
Frank Rooster has good taste. Wish I was good with names.
Frank is a handsome rooster! There are some very clever names coming your way. I would not want to be the one having to decide. I've been giving it some thought... Still... thinking...
Frank has good tastes! Got a love a rooster who likes to shop.
Hugs- Tete
PS- Can't wait to see what name you pick. There are some really good ones on here!
Amy, that's a mighty pretty rooster for the prize winner that names the chicken poop coop! Love the colors!
Great gifts on the give-away. Frank will do his best.
Frank is the man! He picked out a fantastic ceramic chicken!!!
I just read thru all the suggested names. You've got some GREAT ones in there! (Including Nancy's Elvisish one.) :)
Can't wait to hear the news of the name! And the winner(s)!
Great prizes! I'm adding a name-
the Hen Pecked Hotel.
Very cute gifts :)
what great prizes...quite the rooster you have there..
I can't wait to see the name you pick!
OK, one more name....Verde's Roost
and another...Little Deuce Coop.
What a response you have gotten! I'm impressed.
Oh Please enter me...LOVE your goodies!!!
Hugs to you,
Your site is so much fun! I love it...chicken give aways. Send me your address I will send you a crab tchotche .... a crab meadow print of your choice and two crabbie trinkets from our chilly shores :) for the new hen house.
Hi Amy,
Put my name in the hat for the giveaway please.
I thought it would be fun to have Charlotte as my guest blogger one day. What do you think. Email me at todkitty@aol.com if you like the idea.
Am envious of that cool coop. You've got some good names to pick from...I'm sure it won't be easy.
Amy I cannot wait to see what name is picked for the new hen home! I know it will take a fabulous one to live up to your animals' high standards!
Frank can go shopping for me anytime...great taste!! Count me in.
Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Its wonderful to be able come visit on the farm :))
As for a name for the chook house well.
Henbre,Henavation, Heggs R us..
LOL that was fun,,
Best of luck with the names, looking forward to know what one you pick :))
Wooohooo....I'm excited Amy! Bet you've got a bunch of cute names to choose from ...looking forward to seeing what you choose. Ok...now I'm off to post your give-away! Hope your week is starting out well. Oh by the way....LOVE LOVE LOVE your picture...now I can see Minie me! :)
Ok Amy I posted your give-away on my sidebar but try as I might...I can't get it to take you to your original give-away..it keeps coming back to this post...hope that's ok. I'll try again tomorrow...maybe blogger is being stubborn tonight. Also wanted to tell you how much I love your new header...VERY NICE! Enjoy your day.
Maura :)
What an adorable rooster....
Hey Amy,
Thank you for your compliments. I enjoy working hard (and smart), always trying to improve things in one way or another. I am determined to get a lot accomplished this year! Next on the list, making improvements to the chicken run and barn. I got two new friends Sunday and can't wait to post about them!!! (You'll love them)
I love your ceramic rooster, it's bright and cheery. ;)
I keep trying to think of a name for your hen house and am having a rough time coming up with something. I thought of greens eggs and ham in Italian, but it does not flow very well. Frank is a lucky guy. You could call it the "Lucky Frank". Ha.
definitely not paltry!
well thought out & generous come to mind :) thank you !
Frank has wonderful taste :) This rooster would look wonderful on my kitchen table with my ceramic hens! Good luck picking a name!
What a cute prize. I have been trying to think of a name but being a goat it's hard. How about Henpecked House 'cause the publicist always complains that the hens peck her when she tries to get the eggs.
kaiminani at gmail dot com
Here I am back on Verde Farm(so addicted to your chickens) Im gonna try my hand at a name "Kluckles Cottage" The house where all chickens go to roost!lol Oh well I tried I do looove that prize chicken my fingers are crossed!
Frank my boy you may go shopping for me any old time!!!!!!!!!! Love all the name suggestions from your faithful blogging friends, will be a most difficult decision I am sure. Good luck to everyone!
What a great looking chicken coop! I think you got your work cut out for you picking one name from so many good ones. My names are: Chicks R Us and Cluck 'n Chick Inn. That ceramic rooster is a beauty. Take care, Cheryl
How cute are these!?? Frank is a genius!
Are you hunkered down for the storm? I am listening to it snow now... Sigh.
Frank does have good taste as everyone else has stated.
Looking forward to seeing what name has been picked!
Hi Just incase it didnt go through, here is my email address...virginiamallon@yahoo.com
The crabs visit verde farm hooray
Love the rooster! Great prize. I can't wait to see what name you pick.
I love your coop, and I love hens. We have 17 of our own. I'd rather have your adorable coop, though. Hope you find a great name!
Thats a lovely rooster - the speckling is neat!
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