Monday, September 6, 2010

Beautiful Weekend

What a beautiful weekend at Verde Farm.  We couldn't have asked for a more perfect way to spend summers' last hurrah.  The temperature was a comfortable 72 degrees with egg blue skies and white puffy clouds resembling down feathers. Here are a few pictures of this picturesque Labor Day weekend, courtesy of our friend, Angie Martin.

Pansy counting to 100 as the chickens rush to hide in the woods.

Samuel D. patiently waiting on his treat.

Elvis and Brownie finding some alone time.

Checkers getting some rest in the shade.

The tall cedars watching over the farm for many years.

The fish ready for a nibble.

Chestnuts getting ready to pop.



Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

sweet little things! love that fish pic! too funny...looks like we were doing the same thing at the same time! lol...gotta get off here and go outside.

Unknown said...

Hello Amy, You have a great Blog too...
Glad you stopped by and are following Our Blue Sky Farm now. I have been blogging for going on 3 years. I hope you get the opportunity to visit my Kitchen Blog as well.. I will be your newest follower on Google. HAve a great Holiday week.

Farm Girl said...

Great pictures! I have never seen chestnuts with their furry little coat. That looks so neat.
I love all of your animals names.
I hope you have a lovely day.

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

I'm so glad you visited my blog. I just love your farm! Can't wait to hear more about all the wonderful critters who reside there. And Pansy, who wouldn't fall in love with her? I can't wait to see the tales of all of Sunny's chicks. They are so cute once hatched - peeking out from mama's feathers.
Have a great day - can't wait to visit again.

Mom L said...

Thanks for sharing! Pansy is a beauty, as are all the other critters.

Nancy in Iowa

Bee Haven Bev said...

Hi Amy... I am adding myself as a follower of your blog. Just love your critters. You have all the ones that we don't have!!...but wish we did!

Bee Haven Acres

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures.
Wish it was 72 here...will be 95 with the humidity feels like 100. (sigh)ready for fall.
I haven't seen chestnuts on a tree in years and years. It is wonderful you have a producing tree.

Have a great day.

Janet @ My Miniature Donkeys said...

Amy, I am so enjoying your photos. Wonderful!
(by the way, I'm in Michigan)

Beth said...

Love the hide'n'seek pic. It was such a beautiful weekend, wasn't it?!

Dog Trot Farm said...

Blue egg skies, love your description and all the wonderful photos. BTW, what type of Chestnuts are those? Here in New England, especially along the Maine coast Chestnut trees are abundant, however, their shell differs somewhat from yours. I do believe our's are the American Chestnut. Are your's edible?

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Oh my goodness gracious....don't you have it all going on there? What a pretty blog. : < >